- DeptAmericana and Folk Arts, Collections
- Size25 ¾ in. x 16 ¼ in.
- Sold$14,640
Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island Sampler “Wrought by Phebe Almy in the eleventh year of her age 1801” with verse (sic)
- “Obferve the one for fhe inftructs the man,
- And Preaches labour gathering all fhe can,
- Then brings it to her safe her heap at home,
- Againft the winter which fhe knows will come,
- And when that comes fhe creeps abroad no more,
- But lies at home and feafts uPon her ftore.”
25 ¾ in. x 16 ¼ in.
Note: this verse is cited in three publications: by Creech: The Plough, the Loom and the Anvil – Volume 1 – Page 68; American Farmer’s Magazine –Volume 1- Page 68 and Anecdotes of Remarkable Insects – Page 44
Phebe Almy was born Portsmouth, Newport Rhode Island March 18, 1791. Phebe Almy’s husband Ebenezer Metcalf and his descendants are considered to be one of the oldest farm families in Cumberland, Rhode Island.
The Phebe Almy sampler is accompanied by Almay family memorabilia: a schoolhouse slate, and four 19th c. books owned and inscribed by Almy family members David, Elizabeth, Lucy and Pelig Almy.
Schoolhouse slate carved with initials E.W.A. in hardwood frame with inlaid chalk sharpener and alphabet carvings.
David Almay’s book: History of the United States of America by Rev. Charles A. Goodrich, 3rd editor Hartford, Pub. By Barber & Robinson, 1824
Elizabeth Almy’s book: Elements of Chemistry 1831 with engravings
Lucy B. Almy’s book: Weekly Sabbath, 1836
Pelig Almy’s book: Early Christians on War, 1814, printed in New Bedford
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