Three Scarce John Lochtefeld Shorebird Paintings on Wood Planks “Hudsonian Curlews and Hudsonian Gotwit” Consign Now ArtistJohn LochtefeldClick here for artist bioDeptFine Arts, Nantucket ArtSizeSmallest 6 in. x 11.5 in. Godwit 13.25 in. x 20 in. Curlew 16.75 in. x 13 in. Three Scarce John Lochtefeld Shorebird Paintings on Wood Planks Including Hudsonian Curlews and Hudsonian Gotwit, one is signed John F. Lochtefeld Smallest 6 in. x 11.5 in. Godwit 13.25 in. x 20 in. Curlew 16.75 in. x 13 in. Please note that this auction has ended. Click here for an overview of this auction.