George Lear (Bucks County, PA & Nantucket, 1879-1956)
In work reminiscent of Edward Hopper’s, Lear paints a soft realism with sure geometry. Though almost abstract in its simplicity, the saturated color, strong sunlight and fair weather in this paintings – absent of human form – encourage a reflective mood.
- Joan Albaugh
- Ethel Anderson
- William D. Appleton
- Clifford Warren Ashley
- John Austin
- Milton Avery
- Solon Francis Montecello Badger
- James Francis Barker
- Doris & Richard Beer
- Eugene Louis Boudin
- Alfred Thompson Bricher
- Albert Bross
- Robert Bushong
- Polly Bushong
- James Edward Buttersworth
- Ralph Eugene Cahoon
- Martha Cahoon
- Nikita Carpenko
- Lincoln J. Ceely
- Frederick S Chadwick
- Rodney Charman
- Frank Swift Chase
- Leander M Churbuck
- Elizabeth Rebecca Coffin
- Anne Ramsdell Congdon
- Colin Campbell Cooper
- Laura Cooper
- Mellie Cooper
- Frank Corso
- James Cromartie
- Roy Cross
- Vu Cao Dam
- William R. Davis
- Gene Davis
- Molly Dee
- Donald Demers
- John Devaney
- William Duffy
- Lawrence Charmichael Earle
- Henry Stephens Eddy
- Alan J. Eddy
- Virginia Bargar Evans
- José Fabri-Canti
- John Falato
- George Gardner Fish
- Annie Barker Folger
- James Walter Folger
- Stephen Gibbs
- André Gisson
- Sybil Goldsmith
- Emile Albert Gruppe
- Marilyn Guerinot
- Mauritz Frederik Hendrick de Haas
- Davis Hall
- Kerry Hallam
- James Harrington
- James Hathaway
- Lowell Herrero
- Jason Emerson Herron
- Philip Hicken
- George Frank Higgins
- G.S. Hill
- Megan Hinton
- Emily Hoffmeier
- Alfred Heber Hutty
- George Inness
- Antonio Nicolo Gasparo Jacobson
- Edgar W. Jenney
- Theodore Jeremenko
- Eastman Johnson
- Illya Kagan
- Michael Keane
- William Keith
- David Kooharian
- Kenneth Layman
- David Lazarus
- George Lear
- Richard Hayley Lever
- John Lochtefeld
- Harriet Lord
- Richard Loud
- William W. Lowe
- Michael Lynch
- William Starbuck Macy
- William Ferdinand Macy
- Wendell Macy
- Aletha Macy
- George Herbert McCord
- Keith McDaniel
- Joseph McGurl
- Maggie Meredith
- Addison Thomas Millar
- Jan L. Munro
- Mary Sarg Murphy
- Mark Myers
- Tom Nicholas
- Reginald Eugene Nickerson
- Michael A. Palmer
- Margaret Jordan Patterson
- Jan Pawlowski
- Edgar Payne
- C. Robert Perrin
- Helen Sharp Potter
- Jane Brewster Reid
- José Formoso Reyes
- Volney Allan Richardson
- Forrest Anderson Rodts
- Sergio Roffo
- Lenka Rubenstein
- Elizabeth Saltonstall
- Andrew Jackson Sandsbury
- Tony Sarg
- Issac Sheffield
- Andrew Shunney
- Henry Pember Smith
- Lillian Gertrude Smith
- H. Stadler
- Richard Stalter
- Robert Stark Jr.
- William Pierce Stubbs
- Mara Superior
- Ruth Haviland Sutton
- Ferdinand Sylvaro
- Anthony Thieme
- Tim Thompson
- Roy Tidmarsh
- Yasemin Tomakan
- Katie Trinkle-Legge
- Isabelle Hollister Tuttle
- Emma H. Van Pelt
- William Welch
- Orrin Augustine White
- Paul Whitten
- Paul Willer
- Sid Willis
- Bert Wright
- James Wyer
- Julian E. Yates
- Lori Zummo